Blockchain Renaissance, above money, beyond crypto

GenesisL1 is a scientific and nonconformist open source Layer1 eth alike blockchain with utilitarian L1 coins and data valuable for Humanity.


Layer 1, Cosmos SDK

Based. Unique Science and Art hub in the Internet of Blockchains built by community.

Ethereum Virtual Machine

Ethermint library is an EVM module for Cosmos SDK (cronos source code fork)

Experimental in production

Enthusiastic! Works with DATA and BIG DATA on apex of blockchain possibilities.

Leonardo bike

Bionformatics blockchain pioneers

Novel bioinformatics and scientific web3 tools, important data storage & computation

Fast & Green

Doing well since Nov 30, 2021. 10s big blocks, Turing complete, Eco friendly Tendermint PoS

Compatible & scalable

Ethereum (geth) & Cosmos SDK things: Metamask, Keplr, Remix, Solidity smart contracts

DNA molecule

Life is a form of nucleic acids and protein molecules organization

Blockchain is a decentralized database, Turing complete EVM allow running unlimited scripts on that database. Ordinary users and developers provide decentralization of that database.

GenesisL1 decentralize vital and open biological databases and datasets, machine learning models and weights (e.g. PDBbank, UniProt, Alphafold db, ProteinNet, IPD-IMGT/HLA, etc) with blockchain, writing data in blockchain and provide amazing open source EVM dApps with environment for top notch scientific research and education, for example NFT of molecular structures: MolNFT.ORG, or dataset constructor for machine learning tokenized with NFT and ProtCrud indexed with GenesisL1:, or Web3 pairwise alignments implemented via smart contracts.

Blockhain aspects

 .        +   .            .   . .    ! /
             .                .       .- L1 -  *
 .  *                    . . . .  .   ./ + .
                          .   .  +  . . .
.       GenesisL1    .  .   .    .    . .
                      .     .     . +.    +  .
                 .       .   . .
  . .             .    * . . .  .  +   .
         +  .           .   .      +
                  .       . +  .+. .
.              .     . + .  . .     .      .
     .  .    .     . .   . . .       
*         .    . .  +    .  .        
  . .    .  +   . .  *  .       . 
     . + .  .  .  .. +  .
..  .  .  *   .  *  . +..  .        *
. .   . .   .   .   . .  +   .    .           +

Cosmos SDK, Tendermint consensus

GenesisL1 uses efficient and green Tendermint consensus engine to power decentralized sovereign modular horizontally scalable Layer 1 blockchain, where EVM with all its power is a module on top of Cosmos SDK.

Cosmos SDK

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Just a module of some decentralized World computer. GenesisL1 has Turing complete EVM with geth API, making it similar and absolutely compatible with Ethereum. dApps that work on Ethereum, should work on GenesisL1. GenesisL1 is separate source code fork of Ethermint library and Cronos.

 _________        .---"""      """---.  
:______.-':      :  .--------------.  :
| ______  |      | :                : |
|:______B:|      | | World Computer | |
|:______B:|      | |                | |
|:______B:|      | |      EVM       | |
|         |      | |                | |
|:_____:  |      | |   GenesisL1    | |
|    ==   |      | :                : |
|       O |      :  '--------------'  :
|       o |      :'---...______...---' 
|       o |-._.-i___/'             \._ 
 |'-.____o_|     '-.   '-...______...-'  
:_________:      .____________________ 


L1 coin power GenesisL1 blockchain. L1 COIN IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ASSET! Its an utility token with concrete utilities, features and applications. 21,000,000 L1 coins initial supply and 100,000,000 L1 coins community declared soft cap. All initial supply of 21M coins was gifted to users and onchain community_pool to fulfill 3 core features and utilities of L1 coin and 2 core applications of L1 coin:
I. Applications:
+ recycle L1 coin on blockchain, 1L1 = 1L1
+ utilize L1 coin on blockchain, 2L1 = 2L1
II. Utilities:
+ protecting blockchain/network and consensus
+ powering smart contracts with gas
It has 5%-42% annual "inflation" via PoS block rewards to blockchain validators and delegators to maintain blockchain and data flow. L1 coin is used for gas that is needed for smart contracts, and L1 coin gives power over GenesisL1 blockchain consensus (Tendermint PoS) specifications, blockchain updates and power over community_pool spendings via democratic proposals and voting.

How do you do

For example Metamask

You can connect Metamask and its forks or any geth compatible wallet to the public API with network id #29. Best is to connect to own full node server! For automatic adding you can use chainlist, for manual its:

  • Network Name: GenesisL1
  • New RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 29
  • Currency Symbol: L1
  • Block Explorer URL:
  • For example Keplr

    genesis_29-2 is a chain-id, you can add GenesisL1 network to Keplr via multiple ways, for example at Ping.Pub, or Best is to connect to own genesisd node!

    GenesisL1 blockchain explorer for cosmos transactions types and blockchain dashboard with L1 delegation (PoS staking) can be found at

    For example CLI scripts

    GenesisL1 provide 1-click shell scripts for genesisd installation from source code (full node, RPC-API server, validator). genesisd is a typical Cosmos SDK application with EVM module. Those scripts located in genesisd source code repository @, for example state sync:
    bash scripts/statesync.bash

    For example Remix

    You can connect deploy any smart contract using Remix IDE. You can use metamask or its forks for web3 injection in Remix:

    Deploy & Run transactions tab -> ENVIRONMENT: Injected web3 while being connected to GenesisL1 network in Metamask or other web3 provider.

    For example geth API

    Use geth API on your own GenesisL1 node or community nodes, interract with network, blockchain and EVM, and deploy any Web3 dapps. Standart ports, standart everything. geth API based dapps work as native.

    For example Cosmos API

    GenesisL1 node has standard gRPC, REST, and Tendermint Endpoints to interact with network and blockchain. genesisd CLI is also very rich in functions and settings.

    21th century ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ make love